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【The "J" Vaccine @ Work 01】The "J" Vaccine @ Work

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  • 【The "J" Vaccine @ Work 01】The "J" Vaccine @ Work
Text: Called To Work Production: Global Reachout
02 Jan 2023

John 3:16 (NKJV): "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. "


Today, "vaccine" is one of the most common words that we hear each day, in the news and at work, home, church, and elsewhere. Here in Connecticut, we rank among the top five states, based on the percentage of people who have been vaccinated for Covid-19. However, Connecticut ranks 44th in vaccinations for a much worse virus. Only about 13% of the state's population has received the vaccine for this virus, leaving 87% dangerously exposed. To compound the problem, this virus is something that 100% of us have. We inherit it from our parents.


You could call it the "SN" virus--or Sin Nature Virus. And it's nasty! In fact, the whole world is messed up because of it. Without a vaccine, every one of us is destined to spend eternity in hell. Ouch! That sounds harsh and shocking, but it's true. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.


You could call the vaccine for this Sin Nature Virus the "J" vaccine. Not the J&J vaccine, but the Jesus Vaccine. It wasn't developed by a man-made lab. It isn't manufactured by a man-made religion. It was conceived and made by God Himself. As the Scriptures declare, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


When you receive the Jesus Vaccine, your sins are forgiven. You receive the gift of eternal life in heaven and the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Personally, I received the Jesus Vaccine on Saturday, June 8, 1985 in the Jonathan Edwards Room at the Ramada Inn in East Windsor, Connecticut, and I've never regretted it. What's your story?


Take a look at the questionnaire below:

1. What SIN is affecting you right now?

2. Have you gotten your J-vaccination yet? What changes do you notice?

3. With whom would you be sharing the good news today?

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