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A Biblical Response to Practical Issues in Life (04) : HUMAN ANGER (PART 2)

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  • A Biblical Response to Practical Issues in Life (04) : HUMAN ANGER (PART 2)
Speaker:Rev Dr Ayan Murry
24 Jan 2024

Episode 4







Welcome everyone to Episode 4 of Responding to Practical Issues in Life. Today we’re in Part 2 on the issue of human anger. In our last episode, we talked about how human anger can be a problem or hindrance in producing the Godly characters in us. And I shared that James directs us to embrace God’s Word as the solution to human anger.


We may not know every time exactly how God’s Word work in us, but we acknowledge that there are so many testimonies about how God’s Word saved countless lives. Perhaps this is your story as well.


So, the question is: How do we respond to the issue of human anger? This leads us the final point. And that is, the application.


III The Application


And here’s the application: Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. That is exactly what James said in v.19: My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.” In verse 19, James didn’t specifically tell us what or who we are supposed to be quick to listen to. However, he already gave us the clue in v.21 that says “the word planted in you”. The term “word” is referring to the written Word of God. Furthermore, in v.22 James said, “Do not merely listen to the word…” Again the “word” is the same term used in v.21. And then James makes it very clear in v.25 where he says, “But whoever looks intently into the perfect law…” which obviously refers to the written Word of God.


So the application is to be quick to listen to God’s truths from the Scriptures. Quick to listen is not about listening more. But it’s about a sense of urgency and priority.

When I hear my kids crying out loud while they are running around and playing, I will stop whatever I’m doing and immediately rush to where my kids are. That’s the picture of urgency and priority to listen to God’s Word. Without any second thought, you rush toward God’s Word because there’s a sense of urgency to stay connected with Him and there’s a sense of priority in your relationship with Him to find out what He’s saying to you.


So let me ask you: Is God’s Word a priority in your life? Do you have a sense of urgency to connect with God on a daily basis through His Word? Because your daily intake of God’s Word or the lack of it will significantly determine the state of your inner compulsion and composure while facing your trials or challenging situations.


When we are not quick to listen, we will be tempted to be quick to speak with our emotions, which will lead us to be quick to anger. This is true not only in our relationship with God but more so with one another. And that’s what James will address in the remaining passages of his letter.  


Mid last year, there was a time I felt empty inside of me. I experienced a lack of joy even though what I do in my ministry work in Church is something I loved the most. But somehow I experienced feelings of frustration, anger, and discouragement. And in the midst of that, I felt the nudge to turn to God and read the Bible to feel His presence and power in me.

So I grabbed my bible and decided to read John’s Gospel. I read through and when I came to the last chapter, I read the question that Jesus asked Peter: “Do you love me more than these?” (John 21:15) At that moment, I felt as if Jesus was asking me too: “Do you love me more than all these ministry works that you love to do?” I was surprised that I couldn’t answer. And I realised that God was revealing to me a deeper issue in my heart with regards to my personal relationship with Him. I felt God was showing me that perhaps I ended up loving the things I do in the ministry more than the One I work for.


Do you see what’s happening here? God’s Word is saving me, again. And that’s just a small fraction of the power and grace of God’s Word in our lives when we quickly turn to Him through His Word.  But I know many of us struggle to read and reflect God’s Word daily. I don’t know why you struggle but let me ask you this: Why do you read the Bible? Or, why do you want to read the Bible? In other words, what’s your purpose of reading the Bible?

To know God and His will for your life; to know yourself; to grow spiritually; to be able to teach and preach others; to share the gospel with others? All these are good reason or purpose. But can I suggest to you something else today? And that is this. Consider reading the Bible to enjoy God; to enjoy listening to God. The Bible is preserved not just for us to understand and know the theology of God. But for us to enjoy God Himself. So, read to enjoy God!




In closing let me reiterate the stark reality that James addressed in today’s text. And that is this. When we face trials or challenging situations, our natural human tendency and reaction is to be quick to speak and quick to get frustrated and angry.


I can’t imagine the significant impact and trials Covid 19 pandemic has brought about in your life. For some of you, your trial could be your health issues, relationship issues, financial issues that doesn’t seem to get any better. And when we face or go through these so-called never-ending trials, it is normal to get frustrated and angry with God, with others and with ourselves. And that is ok because it's only normal for us as humans to react in frustration and anger.


But James is saying that's precisely the reason why we could be forfeiting the righteousness or godly characters, which God desires for us out of the trials or challenging circumstances we go through. And he tells us that God's written Word, the Bible can help transform and shape our emotions such that we will be slow to speak and slow to anger.


For that we need to cultivate a daily rhythm of being quick to listen to God’s truths in His written Word. In simple terms, read your Bible daily. And read to enjoy God. Make the objective of your reading to enjoy God. For once we learn to enjoy God through His written Word, it can become much easier to let His truths shape and transform our inner compulsion and inner composure.


And slowly but surely this will help us to guard and transform our mouth, our emotions and our actions toward God and others when we face trials or challenging situations in life. That is my prayer for all of us. Amen!

That’s all for today. And God willing, I hope to connect with you again in our next episode. When we do, I will talk about the issue of our tongue. So, stay safe and stay tuned. God bless!


Word count: 1,218


Discussion Questions


Can a Christian who doesn’t read and reflect on God’s Word daily be a true Christian? Why, or why not?

       Is God’s Word a priority in your life? Why, or why not?

  What is God speaking to you today?

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