"I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. " - 1Co 1:10
For the sake of our Lord’s name, Christians need to have a testimony of unity among the people. In other words, if we are divided, the reputation of our Lord is at stake. The Lord’s name reveals about His character, and glory stands at the center of His character, as elaborated in Isa 48: 9-11. God’s glory is also reflected in His creation (Psalm 19:1), His purposes for humanity (Isa 43:6-7), and His plan of redemption (Eph 1:6, 12, 14). John Piper put it beautifully, “The foundation of God’s love for us is His commitment to His own glory.” God is love and He saves, shapes and sanctifies His people for His own name’s sake.
A manufacturer will stand behind the trademark of his products, to make sure his product functions according to its manufactured purpose. In the same way God stands behind us who are created in His image to fulfill His purpose on earth. One of the most important purposes is for us to function as one body under Christ who is the head. (Eph 1: 22-23)
To function as one body, there needs to be the same DNA in every parts of the body. It is important to have the right chemistry among your team members. Hence the most important role of a CEO is not to be busy with the chores of his business but building the DNA of his team. In this world, there are so much strife in team building because we are dealing with a different DNA that stands for Destructive Negative Attitudes. Praise God, in Christ we should have Christ DNA in us to build an effective team that gives glory to His name.
Let’s pray.
Lord, I confess as a saved sinner that sometimes with my self-centered attitude I do not live up to the reputation of your glorious name. Please help me to build an effective and efficient team that gives you all the glory and praise. Amen.
Before we go, take a look at the questions below:
1. How do you understand the statement "if we are divided, the reputation of our Lord is at stake."? Have you had related experiences in your daily work and life?
2. Do the members of your team have the same DNA? Why do you think so?
3. When trying to build a high-performance team, what challenges of "worldly DNA" have you faced? How did you use the DNA of Christ to overcome these challenges?